Reports and deadlines for railway companies

On 12.12.2020, a new Regulation was introduced on "Safety management system, safety indicators, verification of compliance with railway infrastructure requirements, traffic management and safety, their notification, forms and deadlines and notification of incidents affecting railway safety."

Paragraph 13 of the Regulation requires companies to submit a report to the Consumer and Technical Regulatory Authority on the conformity checks set out in a declaration.

Public railway (§ 13(2) of Regulation No 83

  • a report on the measurement results of the toll car and a summary of technical incidents in the calendar month – up to the fifth day of each month;
  • reports on the activities of the railway undertaking, the technical condition of the railway safety equipment and the integrity of the tracks – every year until 1 February;
  • reports on the technical condition of level crossings, henceforth referred to as "crossings," and level crossings, henceforth referred to as "crossings," until 15 April and 1 November;
  • reports on the condition of platforms, the condition of railways and the condition of bridges, viaducts and viaducts forming part of the railway infrastructure – by 1 November each year.

Non-public railway (§ 13(3) of Regulation No 83)

  • a summary of technical incidents during the calendar month – up to the fifth day of each month; NOTE: Only in the case of technical incidents.
  • the activity report of the railway undertaking, with the exception of the information referred to in § 14 2, and the report on the technical condition of railway safety equipment – every year until 1 February;
  • Reports on the technical condition of level crossings and level crossings – until 15 April and 1 November;
  • reports on the technical condition of the railways and the condition of bridges, trestles and viaducts, which are part of the railway infrastructure – until 1 November.

Undertaking operating the railway service (§ 13(4) of Regulation No 83).

  • The railway undertaking must submit a report on the activities of the railway undertaking to the Consumer and Technical Regulatory Authority by 1 February each year.

Keeper of railway rolling stock (§ 13(5) of Regulation No 83).

  • The holder of the rail vehicle must submit the information in accordance with § 14 3 to the Consumer and Technical Regulatory Authority by 1 February each year.
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Last updated: 10.04.2021